
Odin Statue God Of War

Omega (God of War 2018).svg

This commodity contains lore based on real-life sources from Norse mythology as introduced from the God of War Norse era.

Odin (Old Norse: Óðinn), also known every bit the Allfather, is the Norse God of the Sky, State of war, Death, Wisdom, Poesy, and Magic, the King of Asgard, the Rex of the Aesir Gods, and the overarching antagonist in the Norse era of God of War.

He is the eldest son of Borr, the father of Thor, Baldur, Týr, Hodr, and Bragi, gramps of Magni and Modi, husband of Fjörgyn, and the ex-husband of Freya. He is also the nephew of Mimir.

Norse Mythology

Odin , as well known equally Woden and Wotan, was the Principal God of Norse mythology .

Odin appeared in heroic literature equally the protector of heroes; fallen warriors joined him in Valhalla . He had a mythical horse called Sleipnir , who had eight legs, teeth inscribed with runes, and the ability to gallop through the air and over the ocean. Odin was ane of the greatest wizards among the gods and was associated with runes. He was too the God of Poets. His outward appearance he was an old man, with flowing beard and but one eye (the other he gave in commutation for wisdom).

He was commonly depicted wearing a cloak and a wide-brimmed hat and carrying his spear Gungnir, a legendary artifact that once tossed never misses its target.

God of War Universe


Odin was a grandson of Búri the first of the Aesir gods, who had sprung from Ymir, the offset Behemothic and begetter of all life and one of the sons of Borr. However, dissimilar Ymir, Odin felt that the Aesir were fit to be the supreme rulers of the Nine Realms and and then he, along with his brothers Vili and Vé killed Ymir and anyone else who stood in their path, with Odin himself taking the place of the "Allfather", after that, Ymir's blood drowned all Jötnar, except Bergelmir and his wife. Odin would and then create the realm of Midgard from Ymir's torn flesh. Eventually, Odin would create the first Humans; Ask and Embla.

At an unknown point in time, Odin would go on to form Asgard and declare himself the Rex of the Aesir. He would also take control of Valhalla. He would later on utilize Valhalla as office of his future plans to try and thwart Ragnarok, a prophesied catastrophic outcome that would pb to an apocalypse and the deaths of about of the Norse Gods. To ready for this impending threat, Odin would permit merely the best warriors who had died in boxing into Valhalla. Everyone else he relegated to the icy wasteland known equally Helheim.

At some point, Mimir came to Odin with Mímisbrunnr, a "Mystic Well of Knowledge" but it was really a well laced with plenty magic mushrooms to requite even a god as powerful as him visions. Odin was initially and then impressed with this well that whatever he saw in his hallucinations fabricated him commencement to tear out both of his optics. Fortunately, he was stopped by Mimir from finishing the chore and was convinced by Mimir that he had sacrificed his eye for knowledge. However, Odin instantly figured out that Mimir had fooled him but allowed him to become his adviser due to his immense intelligence. After he imprisoned his adviser, Odin removed one of Mimir'southward eyes and tortured him on a daily basis. Odin also searched for Brok and Sindri to construct a Statue of Thor inside which to hide Mimir's severed centre. The Dwarves refused but were still forced to construct the statue.

Around this time, Odin also began marrying women and expanding his family, hoping to proceeds stiff children. At some point during this quest, he sought out Giant Skaði'southward paw in marriage, merely when she rejected his affections, Odin tricked her into killing her own father out of pettiness, which inadvertently led to her own death. Odin also married the giantess Fjörgyn, with whom he had Thor. Sometime afterwards Thor's nascency, Fjörgyn died, leaving Odin heartbroken and alone for many years. Odin ended up having at to the lowest degree three other wives during this catamenia, one of whom bore him his son Týr, one who diameter him Bragi, and i who bore him Hodr.

Odin at i point met the stone giant Hrungnir and was so amused by the latter's gullible nature that rather than killing him immediately Odin invited him to Asgard and made him boozer and goaded him into all manners of boasts and antics, even taking the threat of Hrungnir killing all the Aesir and taking all the women of Asgard back to Jötunheim equally a joke. However, it came to an end later on another fit of laughter upon Thor killing the stone giant and beingness crushed by his corpse and Odin ordered all his men to remove information technology from Thor but none of the Aesir was strong enough to exercise so and Thor himself was as well drunkard to remove the rock giant off him until Odin'southward grandchildren Magni and Modi came and freed Thor.

Subsequently cementing his rule as the "Allfather," Odin continued to wage wars over the other realms. He did not encounter any difficulty until the Vanir, where the two forces fought to a stalemate. At this point, both sides grew tired of fighting, and Odin eventually agreed to ally Freya to end the fighting, and so that Odin may secretly acquire her magic. Together, they produced Odin'due south youngest son, Baldur. For a time, the two appeared to have profoundly cared for 1 another, with Mimir noting that their human relationship seemed to echo that of Odin and Fjörgyn's, with Odin treating her in a loving manner and conceding to most of her wishes, giving the Valkyries some freedom when she wished it. Even so, Freya somewhen abased Odin, having become distraught over his handling of the Giants, the abuse of her knowledge and betrayal of her trust. This angered the Allfather greatly and left him with a stiff sense of betrayal, which caused him to curse her to remain imprisoned in Midgard and to never harm another living affair, even in self-defense, out of petty revenge.

Odin also sought the secrets of Jötunheim and the Giants. However, he made an enemy of them, and he started a genocidal campaign to kill any Giant the Aesir could detect. His son Týr attempted to bring a peace past inviting Odin to a peak with the Giants, but Odin but agreed to become the secrets of Jotunheim. The giants foresaw this and expelled Odin from their homeland. Týr then permanently opposed Odin's attempts to larn the Giants' secrets, which led to Odin imprisoning Týr.

God of War (2018)

While not actually making an appearance in the game, he is ofttimes mentioned by several characters. He is the i who imprisoned Mimir in the past and personally tortured him every twenty-four hour period. He as well sent Baldur to proceeds knowledge of Faye's whereabouts, equally the Giantess has been a thorn in the Aesir'south side for quite some time.

He employs a large number of icy ravens (known as Eyes of Odin) to observe the world and gather information for him. Kratos can destroy all of these ravens. Odin as well has secret vaults scattered throughout the earth that contain murals depicting legends, and an entrance to a Valkyrie's prison.


" Ruthless? Barbaric? Heartless? That's Odin. "

–Mimir, speaking about Odin

According to Mimir, Odin is extremely paranoid about anything and everything that he believed would possess fifty-fifty the slightest chance of threatening his rule and that of the Aesir, much like how his Greek counterpart Zeus was before Kratos killed him. This included the Giants, the Vanir and fifty-fifty the beloved Týr, his own son. Also, Mimir said that Odin is extremely clever, virtually every bit clever every bit Odin believes himself to exist, as he was able to figure out that Kratos and Atreus had an important role in the coming of Ragnarök, perchance due to Gróa's prophecy. It is implied that he has an intense fearfulness of Kratos as well like how Zeus had, nonetheless unlike the Olympian he knew nothing almost him except that he is extremely powerful, having faced and killed Modi, Magni, and Baldur.

In improver, Odin jealously guards all the knowledge and secrets he nerveless. He betrayed and deceived many revered figures in Norse mythology who possessed knowledge that he did not and in one case he obtained them, he tending of them cruelly. Mimir stated that Odin is obsessed with prophecies of the future, stylizing himself to be "all-knowing and omniscient" but more importantly, motivated to control the future, his fate, and every realm. Mimir exploited this to go his adviser when he offered him a "well of noesis" that allowed him to see visions, not knowing that information technology was really a well with water laced with hallucinogenic mushrooms.

It is too stated that Odin could be very fell if pushed too far, as seen by his having tortured Mimir during his imprisonment every twenty-four hours. He as well ordered his strongest son Thor to kill every Jötunn he could find and betrayed the Jötunn, Ymir, at the first of all things under the cocky-righteous belief that he and the Aesir were bringing order to the realms. In truth, he and his brothers believed that they were superior and deserved to be as such. Additionally, while he may've originally truly loved and cared for Freya he overtime feigned amore for Freya during their matrimony just so he could larn how to use her Vanir magic for his ain purposes. In one case he got what he wanted and Freya started to insubordinate against him, even going as far as to break off the marriage; out of rage, Odin banished her to forever remain in Midgard, as well as robbing the goddess of her warrior spirit; therefore, rendering her unable to directly impairment annihilation, fifty-fifty to defend herself. To add insult to injury, he wrongfully corrupted the Valkyries into monstrous beasts by condemning them to concrete forms out of his spite for Freya's rebellion, an human activity which ended up dangerously overflowing Helheim with the souls of the departed in the process. Finally, he left the Ix Realms to suffer during the Desolation, closing Asgard's gates.

Odin is besides shown to concur petty grudges to an almost hilarious degree, equally he never forgot that Mimir had outwitted him when they beginning met. When Mimir finally fell out of favor, Odin removed one of his eyes and imprisoned and tortured him daily for over a century. In addition, when he lost the arrangement he made with the disguised Hrimthur in finishing Asgard'south walls, he feigned to go along his end of the bargain to allow the builder to speak with his queen, Freya, only for the Allfather to and so double-cross the Giant and have Thor kill him. In addition, when Skaði spurned his angel, he deceived her into killing her own father during a hunt, causing Skaði to succumb to her own grief shortly afterward.

Its unsaid that Odin may possess both a superiority complex and an inferiority complex equally he genuinely believes that his way is the but way and that the Aesir are destined to be the Supreme Rulers of the universe notwithstanding seemingly loses any and all composure when someone or something comes along to challenge these behavior.

Many individuals, such every bit Freya and Mimir, state that Odin is driven by fear of his ain fate which is said to be at the hands of Giants, resulting in his paranoia and hatred of them. Withal, he is also envious and desirous of the Giants'south abilities of precognition, wishing to apply such abilities to alter his fate when Ragnarok occurs. Maybe this is the one thing that the Allfather and Kratos, who doesn't believe in fate, have in common and would agree on.

Overall, Odin'southward depraved actions throughout the centuries have led him to be wholly despised past many figures; such equally the Vanir, Freya, The World Serpent, Mimir and even the Valkyries.

However, Odin is not consummate without the ability to feel love and trust others. He was known for having genuinely fallen in beloved with Fjörgyn despite his subsequent hatred for the Giants, eventually marrying and conceiving the mightiest of his sons Thor with her. Her death caused such grief and sadness to Odin that even Mimir acknowledges that Odin was distraught and lonely after the death of his swell love.

To alleviate his pain and put an end to the Aesir-Vanir War, Mimir suggested that he married Freya. During this time, Mimir noticed the same happiness Odin had with Fjörgyn resurfaced and while he married her partly to end the war (as well as to learn her seiðr magic), Odin treated Freya in a loving mode and conceded to almost of her wishes, in fact fulfilling then many of Freya's desires that Mimir said that even he lost count of how many wishes that Freya fabricated to Odin that he willingly granted. He was willing to give the Valkyries some measure of freedom considering Freya wished information technology. Their relationship eventually became strained when Odin became increasingly obsessed with Ragnarök and the Jötnar, which caused Freya to break off the marriage. From Odin's reaction to Freya'south betrayal, it is obvious that he did have romantic feelings for her and felt a strong sense of betrayal from their divorce.

Information technology's unsaid that in the beginning Odin's intentions were noble, if misguided, and he genuinely wanted what was best for his people and anybody else in general as he seek to prevent Ragnarok (an event that would proceed to impale myriads of innocent people including the Aesir and the Vanir) from happening. Centuries of reigning undisputed with unlimited power also as a lifetime of failed trials however, had gradually hardened him to the point where he was unable, or perhaps, unwilling to accept that his actions and the deportment of his boyfriend Aesir was having a negative effect and was in fact leading them all ironically into causing the very disaster that he was trying and then long to avoid.

He is likewise known to accept a bully bargain of confidence and trust in his sons Baldur and Thor unlike with his other son Tyr, likely as he knew that Tyr's peaceful nature was unfit for an Aesir. Odin was confident Thor could single-highhandedly eradicate the Giants and considered Baldur his finest tracker. Although he patently could non lift the invulnerability spell that Freya placed on Baldur, Odin promised his son he would find a manner to elevator the spell if he found the Jötunn Guardian. Information technology is unknown if Odin'south promise was sincere or but a lie to motivate Baldur, but as Baldur went forth with it anyway, information technology tin can be assumed that Odin is willing to go to neat lengths to reward and go along promises he made to his children should they remain loyal and achieve a significant enough deed. Nevertheless, Odin has been shown to punish his sons for their failures, the all-time examples being the imprisonment of Tyr subsequently he correctly deduced his alliance with the Giants and revoking his promise to Baldur to lift his curse afterward the Light God's numerous failures to bring him Kratos and Atreus.

Odin is also manipulative and deceiver. He but "befriended" with Gróa merely only to kill her to steal her library. According to Mimir, Odin deceived Baldur that following Kratos and Atreus to Jötunheim would bring the cure for his son'south immortality.

He also seems to be willing to accept mercy on his enemies should they provide amusement for the Allfather, as shown when rather than killing Hrungnir, one of the Giants, Odin instead was highly tickled past his gullible nature and chose to have him charm him and his courtroom, equally well as forget any personal offences as long every bit said offender would willingly prove to be a value to him, equally shown when he allowed Mimir to become his counselor despite knowing all forth that Mimir had fooled him into removing his heart and fifty-fifty Mimir acknowledged that Odin trusted him for a long time until Odin eventually took Mimir's advises of peace as disloyalty and bound him to his prison tree merely not letting anyone to harm his quondam advisor.

Powers and Abilities

As the King of the Aesir Gods, Odin is incredibly powerful, possibly the most powerful of his kind. He, along with his brothers Vé and Vili, were designated as the strongest Aesirs of their time.

  • Immortality: Odin, as a Norse God, is immortal, having lived for many millennia. Only a sufficiently powerful weapon or an extremely powerful being like Fenrir can kill him.
  • Superhuman Strength: Odin must have tremendous amounts of superhuman strength as the Rex of the Aesir, being at least stronger than Baldur and Tyr. It is even possible that his strength, if not in the physical sense, rivals and/or surpasses that of his son Thor, the God of Forcefulness. The simply known beings to surpass his forcefulness are Starkaðr, Fenrir and Surtr, the latter of whom would take both Odin and Thor to defeat in Ragnarok and the former being the one destined to devour Odin to death.
  • Superhuman Immovability: Odin must exist extremely durable as he was able to survive a clash with Ymir, the starting time being in being and nigh powerful of the Frost Giants. During Ragnarok Odin also survives a battle against Surtr, Ymir'southward brother and the strongest Fire Behemothic.
  • Magical Mastery: Odin is an extremely powerful and skilled wizard, beingness a chief of many magical arts, including aboriginal magic. He too learned Seiðr from Freya. Odin is too the merely one from the Aesir gods who utilise magic which forth with his physical abilities makes him even more formidable.
  • SpellCasting: Through Freya's teachings, Odin learned a broad variety Seiðr spells and curses that he has used both for his own benefit and to severely harm his enemies these being all the spells and curses that he has used during history:
    • Black Breath: Corruption of magic Odin created to act as a deterrent to those who wanted to reach the highest mountain in Midgard. Only the pure Calorie-free of Alfheim could dispel it.
    • Curses: Odin tin can cast curses so powerful that non even Freya is able to lift them despite her ain highly stated Vanir abilities. He can prevent people from leaving a Realm, as well as transforming the Valkyries into monstrous, physical versions of themselves, an act that made them unable to conduct out their duties of transporting those killed in the battle to Valhalla.
    • Concealing Spell:Odin can conceal events that happen to others, fifty-fifty if the person is a powerful seiðr who is able to see into the future.
    • Knowledge Absorption: Odin can somehow absorb people's cognition into himself using magic as he did with the seiðr Gróa.
    • Protection Magic: He tin can cast powerful protection enchantments on objects making them unbreakable, such equally making the tree Mimir was bound to invulnerable to Thor's hammer.
    • Realm Travel Block: He prevented the travel runes on Tyr'southward temple from granting admission to Asgard, Svartalfeheim, and Vanaheim.
    • Mystical Ravens: As the Raven King, Odin is able to summon ravens made of greenish luminescent crystal that are able to detect and gather information from them beyond the realms.
    • ShapeShifting: As mentioned in the Lost Pages of Norse Myth, Odin could shapeshift into a minor or a big hawkeye.
  • Master Combatant: As the King of Asgard, Odin must be an extremely proficient fighter with centuries worth of boxing training and experience. Fifty-fifty during his younger years was able to kill Ymir forth with his brothers. Alongside Thor, Odin would be capable of defeating Surtr, the Primordial Burn Giant and likewise a highly exceptional fighter during Ragnarok.
  • Genius Intelligence: Odin is extremely intelligent and clever, as even Mimir, the smartest beingness alive in all the Nine Realms, acknowledged his cleverness, maxim that he is almost as clever every bit he believes himself to be.
    • Deductive Analysis: From having heard the prophecy of Ragnarok, he was able to figure out that Kratos and Atreus volition play a role in it. Odin was not fooled by Mimir's lie that he had sacrificed his centre for cognition, correctly deducing that Mimir had fooled him and the well of knowledge was really just filled with magic hallucinogenic mushrooms to requite even a god visions.
    • Principal Torturer: Odin was known to exist a very creative and skilled torturer, as he personally tortured Mimir for many centuries to the point that Mimir said that he would rather die than continue to exist tortured by Odin.


Gungnir: In Norse Mythology, Odin possesses the Dwarven made spear, Gungnir, which ever hits its target.


  • According to a lore mark, Odin was responsible for creating Ask and Embla, much like his mythological counterpart.[1]
  • His Greek equivalent (in terms of being the rex of the gods) is Zeus.
    • His Greek equivalent, in more general terms, is probably Cronos. Both of them were the first beings to rise against their universe-creating begetter, in Cronos's instance Ouranos, and in Odin'south case, Ymir, forcefully establishing themselves as the rulers of everything, and both were paranoid towards anything that could threaten their respective reigns, going as far as killing or trying to kill their own sons for it.
    • In terms of attributes, nevertheless, Odin encompasses multiple roles shared by different Greek Gods (east.g. Zeus, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Hermes and Thanatos).
    • Odin is much like Zeus and Cronos, all 3 are paranoid toward anything that they considered a threat to their reign even their own sons. Odin imprisoned Týr subsequently he suspected him plotting with the giants to overthrow him, while Zeus killed Kratos out of fear of The Marked Warrior prophecy, and Cronos tried to consume his own sons in fearfulness of a prophecy. The difference nevertheless was Týr never thought of overthrowing Odin and but prevented him from accessing Jötunheim, whereas Kratos had intentions of vengeance confronting Zeus for killing him and previously torturing his mother and brother and for betraying him.
    • They as well treated their progenitors wrongly due to their desire to reign over others, Odin killed Ymir because he believed that he and his brethren the Aesir are bringer of society and deserved to be such, while Zeus imprisoned the titans because of his desire to rule over the mortal globe.
    • Both are destined to die at the hands of Kratos and his family unit in sure prophecies, Odin is destined to die at the jaw of Fenrir which is technically Kratos' grandson, while Zeus was destined to dice at the easily of the Marked Warrior which is Kratos himself.
    • Both requested one of their children to kill powerful beings. Odin commanded Thor to kill the Jötnar, while Zeus ordered Kratos to impale Ares.
    • Both are agape of Kratos, While Zeus was afraid of him considering he was the i destined to destroy the Gods, the Greek Pantheon and his killer, trying everything on his power to finish him and put and terminate to the circle of patricide only to be killed by him, Odin of the other hand, he is agape of him considering of his actions involving Ragnarok, accelerating information technology'due south coming considering of Baldur'south Death, killing also his two grandsons Magni and Modi, who were prophecied to survive even afterward Ragnarok and his of import office for his own demise, although is unknown how he will be part of it.
  • In nearly all the murals Odin appears in, he is riding his mythological mount, Sleipnir, the 8-legged steed. This is odd, seeing as Sleipnir in the Norse Mythos, is the offspring of Loki and Svadilfari, who was the stallion who helped the bearded Jötunn build the walls of Asgard.
    • Despite being Loki in this universe, it's unlikely that Atreus is the mother of Sleipnir, seeing equally the horse was alive thousands of years before fifty-fifty the Globe Serpent'due south first appearance, being with Odin when he and his brothers slew Ymir.
    • Some other piece to support this merits is that in the Prose Edda, Loki distracted Svadifari from his chore of helping the builder consummate the wall in time by taking the form of a mare and the intercourse that followed produced Sleipnir. In the God of War universe withal, Hrimthur was able to consummate the wall in time and gain an audience with Freya.
  • Odin's desire to prevent Ragnarok acquired 2 moments of irony;
    • Odin'south efforts to forbid Ragnarok and his expiry from occurring could be argued to be the very reason to it, as this led many inhabitants in the ix realms to be very hateful toward him and his brethren including the Vanirs, the Wolf Fenrir, and the giants.
    • Odin's efforts to learn more than about Ragnarok and control it only acquired him to lose more control of it at the same time. Odin's interferences contradistinct Magni and Modi's fate from surviving Ragnarok to dying before it begins, likewise, Odin's interference also caused Baldur to die earlier than expected and cause the first of Ragnarok 100 years earlier than predicted. The new tapestry indicates that Odin inverse the series of events by nearly committing a Jotunn genocide, which caused the surviving Jotnar to receive a new prophecy about a Jotunn who'd avenge the Jotnar by starting Ragnarok. In brief, Ragnarok was e'er going to happen despite Odin's efforts.
  • In mythology, his mother is the Jötunn Bestla, though it is unknown at this time if she volition fulfill this role in the serial.
  • Tacitus, a Roman historian and senator, associated Odin with Hermes's Roman equivalent Mercury due to their condition as a psychopomp.
  • Throughout the game, Kratos and Atreus encounter Odin's ravens. A side mission includes killing 51 of these ravens.
  • Despite his hatred of the Jötnar, and they him, one of Odin'due south great loves was the Giantess Fjörgyn, who bore him a son, Thor. In addition, before or after her, Odin sought the angel of Skaði, Queen of the Hunt.
  • Odin's spectral ravens scattered through God of War (2018) are a reference to Hugin and Munin, Odin'south pair of ravens that fly around the nine worlds to assemble information for the him.
  • As of the events of God of State of war (2018), Odin is responsible for the desolation of 5 of the 9 realms, those being Midgard (through his corruption of the Valkyries), Niflheim (by intervening in Ivaldi's creations), Asgard and Vanaheim (through the Aesir-Vanir State of war) and Jötunheim (through Thor's genocidal entrada).


  1. Detect hither our sacrifice, mighty Allfather, and deliver Midgard from Hel's wild hunt. Odin, wisest of all, whose jiff gave life to Enquire and Embla, first among our people, nosotros beg your protection. Send forth your noble Valkyries and cull the deathless. Send forth your noble sons, Thor and Baldur, to shield us. Send along dragons to eat the frigid horde. Save our souls that we may serve you evermore.
Gods of Norse Mythology
Baldur • Bragi • Búri • Gná • Heimdall • Höðr • Hœnir • Iðunn • Magni • Modi • Nanna • Odin • Sif • Thor • Týr • Ullr • Vili • Vé • Víðarr • Forseti • Frigg
Beyla • Freya • Freyr • Nerthus • Njörd
Other Gods
Loki • Mimir • Ægir • Ràn
God of War (2018) Characters
Major Characters
Andvari • Atreus • Brok • Faye • Freya • Jörmungandr • Kratos • Mimir • Sindri
Minor Characters
Chaurli • Dagsetr • Eyes of Odin • Hildisvíni • Mótsognir • Ratatoskr • Thamur • Wild Boar
Baldur • Magni • Modi • Thor
Imprisoned Dragons
Reginn • Fafnir • Otr
Aurvandil • Bragi • Fenrir • Gróa • Heimdall • Hœnir • Höðr • Hrimthur • Odin • Sif • Sköll and Hati • Surtr • Tyr • Vé • Vili


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