
What Product Below Would You Use To Control Tracheal Mites?

Apiguard-boxApiguard® is a natural treatment to control varroa mite populations in honeybee colonies. Tests bear witness that Apiguard also helps to command tracheal mites / Acarine and chalkbrood.

  • What is Apiguard
  • How to use Apiguard
  • How Apiguard works
  • Apiguard – a proven worldwide success
  • More Information

Updated Apiguard FAQ (updated Oct 2021)


Cardinal Facts

  • Natural production
  • Very easy to apply (come across video below)
  • High efficiency against three types of hive pest: varroa mites, trachael mites / Acarine and chalkbrood
  • Use confronting varroa mites resistant to pyrethroids
  • No withdrawal fourth dimension
  • No risk to users
  • Ideal in Integrated Pest Direction (IPM) programmes.

How to utilise Apiguard for Varroa Control

See Apiguard video with Dutch subtitles.

And hither's an updated Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)

Apiguard is extremely easy to use:

  • Place the opened tray face up in the tiptop of breed frames, preferably centred over the colony.
  • After x days examine the tray and if it is nigh empty, supersede with a second tray. If in that location is production left in the tray after x days leave until day xiv and then supersede.
  • Leave the second tray in position for a further 2-4 weeks and treatment has been completed (duration of handling therefore lasts 4-6 weeks).

Apiguard works best in temperatures to a higher place 15°C. Merely it is also constructive at lower temperatures even though the gel takes longer to evaporate and the gel needs to exist left I place for longer.

For the latest detailed update on using Apiguard, see Vita'south latest Apiguard FAQ  (pdf) and video (above).

What is Apiguard

Apiguard-25g-sachetApiguard is a sophisticated, patented slow release gel that ensures correct dosage of its active ingredient, thymol. Thymol is a naturally occurring substance derived from the constitute thyme.

Apiguard gel comes in 50g gear up-to-use aluminium trays (ii will care for one standard colony). In certain markets, Apiguard is also bachelor in 3kg tubs and 25g sachets.

The handy 25g sachet (pictured right) for nucleii, very small colonies and use in hot climates is available in some countries.

The 3kg tub, suitable for bee farmers and those with many colonies, comes with dosage tools to ensure correct and easy dosing and is available in some countries.

Apiguard has no harmful result on the honeybee colony: neither on brood nor on adults. In regulatory terms, the EC maximum residue limit of Apiguard has been classified as "No MRL necessary" because of its low toxicity and hive residue profile.

How Apiguard works

One time in place, vapour from the Apiguard gel is given off. Unlike another formulations and raw crystals, the release from the gel works steadily and does not disturb the bees unduly.

Worker bees climb into the Apiguard tray, remove the gel as a hive-cleaning behaviour and distribute information technology throughout the colony. The gel sticks to the bees' body hairs and, as the bees move through the hive, particles are left throughout the hive. The worker somewhen throws out the gel it is carrying, but the traces remain until they also are removed later.

Apiguard – a proven worldwide success

Apiguard trials in more than 600 honeybee colonies in 10 countries across Europe, the Middle East and Due north America accept shown it to exist a very effective, easy-to-utilise treatment (even easier than Apistan!). Under normal conditions it gives an average efficacy of 93%. Often the control levels are college and sometimes a little lower.

More than Information

  • Frequently Asked Questions about Apiguard (updated October 2021) (pdf)
  • Safety Information Sheets for Apiguard and Apiguard CS.
  • Apiguard – Effects of Winter Treatment on Spring Colony Development (pdf)
  • Control of Pyrethroid and Coumaphos Resistant Mites in North America Using Apiguard (pdf)
  • Efficacy of Thymol in Decision-making Varroa (pdf)
  • Evaluation of Two Methods for Applying Apiguard in an Area with Continuous Nectar Flows and Brood Rearing (pdf)
  • Monitoring Effectiveness of Treatments with Apiguard and Apistan and Combination (pdf)
  • Monitoring Techniques of Varroa Resistance and Rotation of Varroa Treatments (pdf)
  • Organic and Integrated Pest Management Against Varroa in Argentina (pdf)
  • Studies to Assess the Efficacy of Bacillus CBB and Apiguard Against Ascosphaera Apis Under Field Conditions (pdf)
  • Variation in the Efficacy of Handling with Apiguard on the Basis of the Volume of Air Around the Production (pdf)

See Apistan for an alternative treatment / medicine for varroa mites.

See Bee Gym for another element of IPM that will help bees groom themselves.

See VitaFeed Golden to stimulate honeybee colonies and heave their allowed systems.

Run into Vita's data on the honeybee diseases implicated with the varroa mite (Varroa destructor), chalkbrood, and tracheal mites / Acarine.


What Product Below Would You Use To Control Tracheal Mites?,


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