
How To Configure Ntp Server On Windows 2016 Domain Controller

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NTP Server configuration on Server 2016 RRS feed

  • Question

  • Dear ALL,

    Kindly aid me for setp up on NTP server on 2016 Server and client setting

    I browsed google but i didnt go whatsoever practiced article we are located in UAE, pleasse help me for it

All replies

  • "I browsed google simply i didnt get any good article "

    Perhaps you should start using Bing. <smile>

    Here is the old standby - https://back states of america/assistance/816042/how-to-configure-an-authoritative-time-server-in-windows-server  Written before 2016 was released, but ntp hasn't changed.

    . : | : . : | : . tim

    • Proposed every bit answer by Wednesday, March 8, 2017 12:51 PM
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  • Howdy,

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  • Hullo Jay,

    Yous've asked 3 times if your reply was helpful.

    The subject was: NTP Server configuration on Server 2016

    Your answer was: Time Configuration in Active Directory

    If you took as much fourth dimension to read the question as yous do to harass the OP about your respond, your answers might go relevant to the questions.  As they are not, I suggest you ask to take this page removed so other people don't waiste their time as well.  Jay, you are the only one being paid when time is waisted in these forums, so please respect other people'due south time.

    Sorry to state the obvious.

  • Besides, NTP time is soooo 1982.  It'south High TIME Microsoft become their transport together about time sync and offset taking information technology seriously.  37 years backside is long in the It world.

  • Really it was 1985 when NTP V0 was first implemented.  Since then information technology has kept pace the times.  As NTP is an industry standard that is deployed throughout the internet, it makes sense to use well-known and well deployed protocols.  So, I don't know what you could exist referring to when you lot say it is "37 years behind".  Microsoft is not running V0 of NTP - it is running the internet supported version.


How To Configure Ntp Server On Windows 2016 Domain Controller,


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